March 16, 2017 – The Little Things

Happy Thursday friends! Someone commented on last nights post asking if I get enough sleep, since I often post after midnight. I jokingly replied, “Probably not,” but that made me pause. I’ve been running non-stop in so many directions for so many weeks that I am quickly running out of steam. You can only burn a candle at both ends for so long, and if you set the middle on fire too, it doesn’t take long before you’re a melted pile of useless wax!

So thank you, Julie, you message reminded me to try to get a little more rest. I started to write “reminded me to slow down,” but then I laughed, because that would have been a big, fat, lie! Nope, I’m not going to slow down just yet, but I will try to cut everything off a little earlier.

Isn’t it interesting how the Lord uses the smallest things to help guide and direct us? Everyday, the way we choose to act in certain situations makes a difference. Often time people are watching and we don’t even know it. Things like Julie’s kind comment remind me that each of us can make a difference. Maybe you pay for the person behind you in the drive through and brighten their day. Maybe you compliment someone that is working hard and not being noticed. Maybe you start intentionally saying thank you and appreciating the people around you. It doesn’t sound like much, but if everyone does a little, it will grow to a lot!

Too often we sell ourselves short. If the Lord has put us in a position to make a difference, it’s our job to obey, no matter how big or how small the task. You just never know what your kindness may start. So be faithful will the small tasks God gives you, and watch Him do amazing things!

Like 16:10a
10 “If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones.”

Until tomorrow,

This little monkey taught me so much about faith in a few short months. About always being kind, and that a positive attitude with a little faith can truly move mountains. Thank you Baby Duck for making me a better mommy!

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