It’s our 4 month anniversary. Technically, we found out Kayleigh had a tumor on the 11th, but the 13th was the day we received the diagnosis. Her 7th birthday, and we find out she has DIPG. Even then we didn’t really know what we were dealing with. Just that it was bad.
Amazingly, as I look back at those early days I can clearly see how God’s hand was on our family from the very beginning. His peace was present from the start. I remember telling Dr. P that we trusted God, because as much as we love Kayleigh we know God loves her even more. And God has continued to shower that love on all of us. He has guided our steps and blessed us beyond belief. And while I cannot say thank you for this cancer I can say thank you for all of the amazing, beautiful things that have come from it.
I have learned to trust in ways I would have never known. My faith has been stretched, tested and strengthened. I have slowed down and taken time to savor each moment, loving on all of my kids because now it is all so apparent that we really are not promised tomorrow. I have found joy even in the worst situation simply because I have learned to keep my eyes on God and trust Him to direct my path. And I have watched my precious baby touch hearts and minister to people all around the world.
It’s funny, I didn’t think I had anything to say tonight. I procrastinated beginning this post because I had no clue what to write but I picked up my phone because I knew so many would be worried if I failed to post. So I started with the date like I usually do, and it hit me. To most people 4 months isn’t very long. To a DIPG family it is time slipping by too quickly. I am so thankful that our hope doesn’t lie with the medical field but rather with God Almighty. It is our prayer that God will use any resource possible to bring healing to our girl.
Kayleigh remains the same today. Her stomach is still our biggest hurdle. Thankfully she did not have a headache today! We need those to stay away so we can consider lowering the steroids again. We just don’t want to do too much too fast. We’re praying for God’s clear direction on that!
One of my devotions today talked about Joseph and all of the difficult things he endured. None of the situations were deserved or his fault which can so easily make a person bitter. But Joseph kept his eyes on God. And God used him to save his family and the nation. It’s one of those times where you see how God orchestrated what looked like a series of unfortunate events into perfect timing.
Genesis 50:20
20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.
We know the enemy would like for this DIPG diagnosis to get us down, steal our joy and renders hopeless. Sorry, my God is too big for that. He’s got this. I don’t know His plan but I read the end of the book – He wins – so tell me – what else matters?
Until tomorrow,
‘Carrow 💜
Watching a friend bat Monday night 
I let Cole have coffee today
Grace too – but I forgot to order them decaf 😳