The nasty stomach bug seems to have finally departed. Grace succumbed to it late last night but started feeling a little better by this afternoon. We were finally able to venture out for a little bit, just to drive around and take in a movie, but that was still quite an improvement from the last 36 hours!
It seems as the fog of sickness rolled out the fog of sadness had room to roll back in. I never wanted to be a family of four. As I sat tonight pouring my heart out to the Lord, telling Him that I trust Him but that I am so sad, telling Him that I just wanted Kayleigh back, asking Him to draw near because my heart feels so broken, and then He showed up. Just like always.
I opened my devotion “Every Day In His Presence” by Charles F. Stanley, and this is what I read…
“Today, be grateful for what you have. It may not seem like much – it may not appear to be enough at the moment. But give the Lord thanks anyway.”
My family of four may not seem like enough today, but they are. Oh how much I have to be thankful for. Yes, I still grieve, but I know where Kayleigh is and I know it is only a matter of time before I see her again. I also know that I still have two beautiful blessings from the Lord. Blessings that are counting on me, that need me. How Tim and I choose to respond each day will greatly effect how they respond, and we want them to respond with hope, faith and trust.
So, we will choose to trust in the Lord. Choose to trust in His plan. We will choose to keep our eyes on Him and trust Him to direct our path. Really, it’s all about the choice.
Tonight I am reminded of all the good things in my life and who is responsible for them. Thank you Lord for your continued blessings.
James 1:17
17 Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.
Until tomorrow,