Tonight you get a special message from my mom.
My sister, Donna, died suddenly 20 years and 2 days before Kayleigh. She was only 39 years old. She and Rob had just adopted a precious baby boy, Camp. She went to the hospital at noon and died at 10:00 that evening – an infection and died? What was God thinking? How can it be in His plan for a baby to grow up without a mom? I heard these comments over and over, but I could not question because there was no earthly answer.
There is no way to understand the grief unless you have lost your only sibling, the one that was always smiling, the one that would find the best in every situation no matter how terrible, the kind and compassionate one. Her death left a gaping hole in our family and I still miss her so, but God blessed me with special Donna gifts.
My birthday was a month after her death. I went to Family Dollar and wrote a check. The cashier said, “Are you Mrs. Metcalf’s sister?” She told me how Donna had loved and cared for her daughter while they were going through a difficult time. She said, “We would never have made it without her!” After 20 years, I occasionally get more Donna gifts and it makes my heart smile. Ironically, Kayleigh always reminded me of Donna – just another GIFT!
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. James 1:17
Rarely does a day go by that I do not get a Kayleigh gift – a story or memory. Some say they hesitate to share because they don’t want to bring it up and make me sad, but it is wonderful to hear how her life made a difference. A mom that never met Kayleigh tells me that Kayleigh illness opened the door to talk with her children about Jesus, Kayleigh’s friend that asked Jesus into her heart and the list goes on and on. These gifts are a reminder of Donna and Kayleigh’s purpose on earth. They completed their mission on earth and left us here to share how God’s grace is sufficient in every circumstance and His love is unconditional.
Little did I know that 20 years after my sister’s death, I would be standing at her grave while my granddaughter was being buried. There was some comfort in knowing that she was near Donna, and that they would be together when Jesus returns. We have God’s promise that we will be reunited, if we have accepted Jesus as our Savior. This is truly the greatest gift – the gift of eternal life. I stand amazed that Jesus would give his life, not only for me, but for me AND anyone else who believes on his name.
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9
So I am saved by grace through faith, not because of anything I have done, but it is a gift!! As much as I look forward to my Donna and Kayleigh gifts, they do not compare to God’s greatest gift.
Most of you have been following Kayleigh’s story for a long time. Thousands read it and never comment. Many of you know Christ as your Savior, but there are some of you that have never accepted the free gift. Let me encourage you to click on the link in the comments below to find out how to know Him personally. It is the most important decision you will ever make. If you make the decision, tell someone. Find out what to do next.
I can’t begin to understand God’s way, but I know He loves these two more than I do. My hope is in Him; He is my refuge. What a gift!!
As for God, His way is blameless; The word of the Lord is tried; He is a shield to all who take refuge in Him. Psalm 18:30
Until tomorrow,