Happy Sunday Friends,
It’s been a great weekend – busy, but that is the norm. All the pieces are still coming together for the Duck Jam concert announcement, I’m praying for God to continuing showing up in every detail – and I have no doubt He will. An event of this magnitude was never on my radar. Frankly, if I had known exactly what God was leading us to, I would have probably freaked out in the beginning! But, God knows me better than any person, and he crafted my plan perfectly tailored to me.
I have watched these last few months how God has maneuvered me where I need to be. Each trial, each lesson, each tear, every piece has been laid perfectly to create a path that stretches my faith. Yet at the same time I am being stretched, God gives me glimpses of His plan, so that I know the stretching is worth the struggle. A couple of years before Kayleigh’s diagnosis, I felt like the Lord was directing me to speak. I remember thinking that was the strangest thing. I mean, if you meat me, you’ll discover quickly that I have no problem talking, I just didn’t really have anything to talk about. I thought maybe I needed to encourage women. I also felt like I needed to write, but again, I had no idea what to write about. Hmm…. well Lord, I certainly don’t have that problem any more.
Slowly but surely, God has put all of the pieces into place. Obviously, writing has begun. The ideas that continue to fly through my head are many, but I have a couple of specific projects that I have begun. I am very much looking forward to finding out what the Lord has to say. I have also found myself with opportunities to speak. Kayleigh, her journey, our faith, God’s goodness, our family, how we continue to survive… God has certainly given me plenty of topics to talk about. While I certainly would not have chosen this path for myself, I trust that the Lord knows better than I, so I will continue to follow His lead where ever it goes.
2 Corinthians 4:13
But having the same spirit of faith, according to what is written, “I believed, therefore I spoke,” we also believe, therefore also we speak;
This could. It be a more perfect verse. I believe, therefore I must speak. Tonight I am attaching the link for a radio show I did recently. It was my first time to speak about Kayleigh publicly. Thank you Bethany for the opportunity to share her story.
Until tomorrow,
My episode was March 5th