It’s been a wonderful day to be low key and at home. Yes, I said home! We head back to Memphis again tomorrow for another week but we are so thankful that we were able to get away for the weekend and enjoy home, friends and Depot Days in our wonderful town.
All of our kids had been asking to go to Depot Days. It’s always so much fun but I wasn’t sure if we would be able to make it work. But as usual, God was good. I mean really, Depot Days isn’t all that important in the grand scheme of things but God made it happen. He even kept the rain mostly out of the way while we were there making the weather nice and breezy. Just one more time that God shows me how much He cares for us, even in the small things.
Kayleigh also had a pretty good day today. I hope in a few more days that maybe we will find a system that keeps the stomach pain away and gives us back a happy girl. We are so thankful for progress even if it is slow!
The next few days are going to be very important to our girl. For starters, we decreased the steroid yesterday which means tomorrow we start seeing the effects. Usually that means headaches will start showing up. Our prayer is for no headache and no bad side effects! The better she handles the decreases the quicker we will be able to get off these steroids and that should help her stomach too.
Also, this week Kayleigh has one more blood draw day on Monday but hopefully that will only be 2 draws. Then Wednesday she has another MRI. Would you please start praying now for good news? Since Kayleigh’s diagnosis each scan has had progressively less wonderful news (can you say gross understatement?). We know God is at work, and truly, what the scan says doesn’t really matter because God is in control and He has the plan. But it would be wonderful to have something positive to tell Kayleigh. I think positive news of any kind would do a great deal for her peace of mind and our as well of course.
I feel a bit like the posts over the past few weeks have been a little repetitive. We are caught in a loop of medicine, stomach pains, and more medicine. But then yesterday my devotion had a line that said “…if we drift in our devotion to God, the tragic events that unfold can leave us jaded…” and it just made me pause for a moment. When things are scary I am good to walk hip to hip with the Lord because I am counting on his strength. I know who He is and what He is capable of – there are NO limits when it comes to what He can do. But when things aren’t too bad it’s so easy to not walk quite as closely. It’s easy to kind of just float on through, because true devotion to God requires a commitment on my part.
Yet these are the times when I need to be fortifying myself for what is to come. Just because the devil isn’t on the offensive striking at us doesn’t mean he isn’t out there. As I’ve said before, he is crafty. If he is able to lull me into complacency then when he does spring an attack on me I won’t be prepared. He has a better chance to get under my skin and erode my foundations. I will be a sitting duck for him to push all my buttons. I’m guessing some of you are like me. So, if your life is rolling along pretty well or say maybe you just aren’t in the middle of an active storm – don’t get soft. Don’t get lazy. Keep taking time to spend with the Lord. Talk to Him. Make time to sit quietly and listen. Read His word. Prepare yourself for the unexpected so that when it comes you can smile knowing that God has everything under control and that He will “use everything for your good and His glory.”
Until tomorrow,
From Every Day In His Presence by Charles F. Stanley
Tim with ALL the kids (ours and friends) he took them all to play so I could have time to shop and visit with the moms. Thank you baby for my retail therapy and 7 happy kids! 
Black Widows softball sporting their Kayleigh ribbons on their helmets. Thank you girls 💜💜💜
Dinner out with just mommy, daddy & Kayleigh
Some kind soul paid for our dinner. This is the thank you note Kayleigh wrote. To whoever you are, thank you!