And just like that it’s a new month. My goodness how time flies. As a parent you know how it is, time just gets away from you and the kids just get bigger, smarter, and need you less. No matter how much we wish time would slow down it just keeps on picking up speed. Oh how I wish I could slow the clock, especially now. I wish I could draw each moment out, savor it more. But alas, that is not in the cards. Time will keep barreling forward and we will just have to do our very best to treasure each moment, storing the memories up in our hearts.
If ever I could pass on helpful advice, it would be never rush the moment. Every moment, even the terrible two year olds meltdown in the middle of Walmart, is a gift. No, you might not think it’s a gift when you’re the one dragging the screaming kid out, but one day you will look back, laugh, and treasure it. Trust me, you will.
I am very pleased to say that Kayleigh improved a bit more today. Her digestive system did come back online and has stayed in check. That is a HUGE “thank you, Jesus!” Unfortunately, the medicine is still causing a great deal of distress, general discomfort, and sometimes sharp pain. Please continue to pray that Kayleigh’s body settles in to the new medicine and is able to tolerate it without pain. Pray the medicine is not doing any damage to her digestive system or any other good thing, that it is only attacking this tumor!
We had a light day, only physical therapy, and we spent the rest of the day baking muffins and resting. Days like this are good for Kayleigh, she seems to get re-energized. After dinner tonight we went to visit Anna at the hospital. Her medical team is still working on what exactly caused her infection and what they need to do but she looked great! We had a wonderful time playing games and just getting to visit. What a joy it is to just be with friends!
Another profound moment we have had this week had to do with Kayleigh’s hair. Hair loss isn’t even listed as a side effect in the drugs Kayleigh is taking but we have been told it is a possibility. It could be that nothing really happens, or it thins, falls out, or anything in between. Every patient is different. As I was washing Kayleigh’s hair I noticed more and more strands were coming out. Even more when I dried it. I am not noticing any significant thinning yet but it made me a little nervous. I didn’t mention it right away but by the next morning I felt like
I needed to at least address it so Kayleigh would have time to process the possibility. As I reminded her that what she was taking was chemo and that losing hair was a possibility Kayleigh surprised me. I was expecting tears but instead I got a half shrug and “I know it might happen Mom, it’s ok.”
It’s ok… It’s ok? I was dumbfounded. I don’t know how we got from hysterical crying a month ago to “it’s ok” today. We haven’t even spoken about it again because honestly, I’ve been avoiding that conversation. Finally, after a few minutes of waiting (I was still waiting for the tears to start) I asked her what was different.
Me: What’s different now?
KB: Anna
Me: Anna?
KB: Yes. Anna… and Sawyer
And that was it.
She has these two special friends that are battling brain cancer, each in their own way. Their strength has given Kayleigh courage and comfort and helped her see that while it may be crappy, its still ok. Of course we are still praying for her hair to stay, but we are also learning lessons about how God doesn’t always say “yes”, and that sometimes His “no” is just moving us on towards a better yes. It gives us more lessons to talk about God’s perfect plan & timing. No matter how old you are, that’s a pertinent lesson.
Thank you all for your continued prayers. We need them and we can feel them.
Until Tomorrow,
Visiting with Anna
My reading buddy
Big kids playing Uno
How cool is this? Thank you Coach Cochran!!!