A better day!
Yesterday was a rough one. Kayleigh’s headache just wouldn’t resolve itself. It made her sick to her stomach and generally awful feeling. Thankfully we were able to go straight to the hospital when we arrived at 9 pm and did not have to wait long for the doctor. Her oncologist prescribed pretty strong steroids for her to help get the symptoms in check while we finalize her care plans. We also found out that her stomach does NOT tolerate liquid steroids well. Those came right back up as soon as they went down 😳. Even through all of that she still had her sweet but sarcastic sense of humor. She told the doctor that those things were NASTY and made her puke so hard she puked out her nose! Those of you that know her can picture the full bodied attitude she said that with!
Thankfully, the steroids worked! She slept great and this morning she woke with no headache and no vomiting. Even her eye and facial features looked better. On the flip side of that she is talking 90 miles and hour, telling everyone exactly what she thinks (even more so than normal), and eating like a linebacker! We’re also thankful she likes fruit if she’s going to be eating non-stop!
We had expected to have our radiology consult today but her physician’s wife decided today was the day to have a baby! It has been rescheduled for Thursday and her oncologist seems to be fine with that as long as the steroids keep the symptoms in check. We know that God works in all kinds of ways so I’m certain that a baby rerouting our plans and bumping our consult out a couple of days has happened for a reason. For one, it gives us more days to cover our sweet girl in prayer! Please continue to stand with us. Our prayers are first for complete, miraculous healing! Second, if that request is not granted, we are praying for God’s plan to be made perfectly clear to Kayleigh’s doctors and that we will be able to start swiftly. And finally, we pray that we are able to encourage others we come in contact with both in person and via social media. It’s our prayer that others will read our story and understand that there is no way we could have hope in this situation except through Jesus.
Now we are off to a pool because a certain little seven year old has convinced us that it really isn’t bed time.
Love to you all,
‘Carrow 💜
P. S. – I think you might be able to see a little of the spunk in these. It was face painting and slurpee day here. And then we had Benihana!