Author Archive: 'Carrow McClendon

About 'Carrow McClendon

Kayleigh is a bright, fun, beautiful, 7 year old, little girl that was diagnosed with DIPG on May 11, 2016. This site is to share her journey and prayer requests.

April 23, 2017

April 23, 2017

It’s been a busy but great weekend. ‘Carrow was able to speak at and participate with local Women of Worship conference yesterday at First United Methodist Church in Falkville, Al. This morning we made it to our home Sunday school class with friends near and dear to us followed by a wonderful time of worship and message at Central Baptist. And tonight we had the pleasure of worshipping at Speake Christian Fellowship a few miles down the road from us. They invited ‘Carrow and I to come and share about Kayleigh’s story in tonight’s service. ‘Carrow ended up speaking tonight and sharing about what all God has done for our family and those around us through Kayleigh’s Journey. I have to brag on her when I get the chance because I really don’t enough. And yes “Mr. Whiskers” will eventually share time with ‘Carrow on the stage in some upcoming events but she did an amazing job without me tonight letting God speak through her. Please pray for all of us as speaking opportunities come up for Prayers for Kayleigh as well as the PFK Foundation. We always want the focus to be on God and what He has done for us and through us. So thank you Speake Christian Fellowship and First United Methodist Church for the opportunities to share this weekend in your ministries .

Until tomorrow



April 22, 2017 – Women of Worship

Today was a great day. Women of Worship was a lovely day of fellowship and worship with other women. It was the perfect place for me to share Kayleigh in person for the first time. Writing, talking, sharing, that is part of my healing. I find so much joy talking about how good God is and how he has blessed and taken care of us in every way.

About three years ago I felt God call me to speak – specifically, to encourage women. At the time I told the Lord I was willing, but He would have to make the way and give me the words, because I didn’t really have anything interesting to talk about. So today, as I stood in front of the room full of women, I could see where God indeed made the way. This journey certainly isn’t one I would have chosen for myself, but if I have learned anything, it is that God rarely does what I think He will do, but his plan is always perfect.

Three of the speakers used our Kayleigh verse today, just one more reminder that God knows the plan. It’s just my job to follow.

Jeremiah 29:11
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

Until tomorrow,

New bands to take when I speak, and my original band that has just about lost its words – but that’s ok I know what it means. Every now and then I see other people with bands that have lost their words. You can’t know how much it means to see those little reminders.

April 21, 2017 – Let’s do This!

It’s late, I’m tired, and it’s been a hard week – full of attacks from every possible direction. Yet as I sit here making sure I have everything ready for tomorrow, I cannot help but smile. I’m excited to share our journey and Kayleigh’s story with other women. I’m excited to get to listen to other women share their stories as well. I’m excited to see what the Lord has in store. I would appreciate your continued prayers through the weekend. It’s going to be busy, but awesome.

So… here we go Kayleigh girl, God’s not done with you yet Baby Duck. Let’s tell the world about His awesome goodness. Let’s share hope. Let’s help build faith. You may not be here in person, but your spirit is alive and well. Let’s encourage people to be positive and look for God’s goodness in everything!

I hope to see some of you tomorrow at the ladies event or Sunday evening at Speak Christian Fellowship.

Daniel 4:2
2 “I want you all to know about the miraculous signs and wonders the Most High God has performed for me.

Until tomorrow,

I do believe Kayleigh says, “Let’s do this!”

April 20, 2017

“Daily Help”
Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our burden. Psalm 68:19
Are you trying to carry all of your burdens by yourself? If so, it’s no wonder you’re weary. The Father never meant for you to carry everything all alone. Rather, He’s given your more than you can bear so you’ll allow Him to sustain you. So don’t be surprised that you cannot help yourself. God makes himself know to you by rescuing you from trouble.
However, your desire to manage everything may reveal a deeper problem. Perhaps you do not fully trust that the Lord is enough to meet your needs. Although you trust Him for salvation, you may think He is either too busy or unwilling to bear your day-to-day needs.
But think this through carefully: How can the One who paid so dearly for your salvation deny you when it comes to the trials that affect you daily? He cannot . In fact, not only does He know exactly what you need, but he desires to satisfy your soul to the depths of your being. So relinquish your problems to the Father. He can certainly handle anything that comes your way.
Charles F. Stanley – “Every Day in His Presence”
I don’t know about everyone else but I needed this one today with everything going on in our lives daily. In the past I would stress and worry for days on end about everything. For the past 11 months God has specifically challenged our family to trust his plan, his timing , and his provision. We have learned that through obedience and fully trusting him with the little and big things he has always met our needs and most times surpassed those needs. I still worry and stress some but Im certain the good days certainly out weigh the bad days because I am willing to hand it all over to the One who can take care of it all.
Until tomorrow

April 19,2017

April 19, 2017
Spiritual Warfare… not exactly a warm and fuzzy topic. Yet I find myself being bombarded and attacked from all directions this week. Even though I was expecting the attacks to come, fighting still sucks the energy out of me. You may be scratching your head right now wondering, “What the heck does she mean spiritual warfare?” or, “Why on earth was she expecting it?” Well, I’ll tell you…
For starters, this coming weekend is a big weekend for me. I have two speaking engagements, and for the first time I will be sharing my testimony. Up until now, I have just spoken about St. Jude or about our foundation. I’ve never shared our family’s story in person. And that is why I knew an attack was coming.
You see, when you are content and living your life, but not actively sharing with others about Jesus, I have discovered the devil pretty much leaves you alone. Why would he bother people that aren’t doing anything? No, the devil isn’t like God, the devil’s resources are limited – so, he picks his battles and goes after the people that are working to make a different for the kingdom of Christ. You may think that sounds crazy, but I can assure you it’s very true. The moment I said yes to speaking I knew hard times would come.
This week alone the negative news has been over whelming. Death, anger, fear, grief, nearly every person I have been in contact with has been battered or broken. Work, home life, family, you name it – the struggles are everywhere. Why does that matter? Because my testimony is about hope and joy through suffering. If he can bombard me enough to steal my joy then my testimony loses its power.
All I know to do is pray, pray, pray, and then pray some more. And ask others to pray as well. A long time ago a friend said to me, “If the devil is attacking you, you know you’re on the right path. The devil doesn’t waste bullets.” Based on the bullets flying my way, I must be headed the right direction. I would very much appreciate your prayers for peace and protection.
Ephesians 6:12-13
12 For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm.
If you’re around the Hartselle area and would like to join us at an event we would love to have you.
Saturday 4/22
Women of Worship
First United Methodist Church
Falkville, AL
10am – 2pm
Light lunch will be provided. Please register ahead of time if you can!
Sunday 4/23
Speake Christian Fellowship
Danville, AL
6:00 pm
Until later,
Sharing this little spunky monkey’s story is worth the battle.