October 9, 2016
October 10, 2016 Uncategorized 0
Hello Facebook Friends,
I am thrilled to report a good day! Part of me hesitates to even mention it because I want to make sure it’s really true and not a fluke. But, both yesterday and today we have been extremely careful about what we let Kayleigh eat and it has paid off. Nearly two days without serious stomach issues!
She isn’t thrilled about her food options right now so my big hurdle this week is going to be finding things that she can eat and that taste good. It’s so hard for me to say no to her these days but I am standing firm on food. If it’s something that I know will upset her stomach I will not let her have it, no matter how much she begs!
Since we had such a long day yesterday and Kayleigh was exhausted, Tim and the girls stayed home from church this morning. Thankfully, rest seemed to be exactly what she needed and by lunch she was ready to get out of the house. We met my brothers, their families, and my parents at the pumpkin patch. We did quite a few fun things but it was all a struggle for KB. She couldn’t climb the ladders, swing, or jump and that made my little fighter sad. Even more than the stomach aches, this kind of sad hurt my heart for her. She asked me what was wrong with her… why couldn’t she run and play any more? All I could do was remind her that there was nothing wrong with her, it’s just this stupid tumor. This blasted cancer is stealing mobility from Kayleigh each day and I hate it.
Thankfully, she got to end her day on a high note. Mr. Andy and Ms. Jada came by the house to visit. Mr. Andy is the amazing guy that set out to ride from the AL/TN state line all the way down to Gulf Shores on his bike… In just 3 days!!! That was one seriously audacious plan. Sweet Ms. Jada was with him the whole way, making sure he stayed safe. Kayleigh was tired after the pumpkin patch but she was so excited Mr. Andy was coming and he certainly did not disappoint. The visit alone brought a smile to her face but when she opened her precious gifts, wow, the super watt Kayleigh smile was back.
Many people ask me how we know Andy, and guess what? We don’t. Or didn’t until tonight. He is another amazing, special person God has touched and used to bless us on this journey. I cannot even begin to keep track of the way God continues to use our prayer warriors to bless us. Even at the pumpkin patch today – over an hour from home – we had many families stop us and let us know that they are praying for us and our sweet girl.
God is so good and we are so incredibly thankful. Please continue to pray with us for complete healing this side of heaven, for the headaches to stay away, and for us to be able to keep the tummy on the right track (no matter how hard it is).
Deuteronomy 7:9
Understand, therefore, that the Lord your God is indeed God. He is the faithful God who keeps his covenant for a thousand generations and lavishes his unfailing love on those who love him and obey his commands.
He certainly is a faithful God!
Until tomorrow,
Uncle Kelly helping us get lost in the corn maze
Big Sis and Cousin Mal
The whole crew minus Cole – he was hanging with Daddy Mac & Mama Mac
This swing was great!
Digging into the big goodie bag
Purple & Butterflies on everything – so perfectly Kayleigh
Opening a special little box
The stunned look from receiving REAL big girl jewelry!
This is her making sure Inknow that this is HER pretty sparkles and that she is not sharing with me. That’s ok pretty girl, I wouldn’t share either