January 19, 2017

My goodness, what a week this has been. I think you could say I have been waiting for these days with equal parts hope, faith, confidence, and trepidation. We’ve never doubted God’s plan, but there is still fear that sneaks in as we look at these medical issues – wondering if the Lord is going to ask more of us. We have always said we love our children so very much, but we know God loves them even more than we do. Knowing that, believing that, is how we are able to get up every morning and continue on. Yet I still find myself praying that He is not going to ask for another of my children.

Needless to say, my kids are getting a little extra attention from me right now. Grace asked me to dry her hair tonight. I can’t remember how long it’s been since I did that. So, she sat in the floor in front of me and I dried and dried. And then it hit me, it’s been two months since I dried one of my babies hair. Looking at Grace’s reminded me of Kayleigh’s. All the beautiful long, straight, brown hair – it pricked my heart. All I could do was start saying thank you to my Father.

Thank you for my Grace and Cole. Thank you that I have them to love, teach and grow. Thank you – that while we have had to stare fear in the face yet again this week, God has been faithful, as always. We are still waiting on the pathology reports for both children, but both of their doctors say they got everything. Neither doctor seemed concerned. Thank you Jesus.

Tonight, Cole is doing pretty well all things considered. He has a great deal of pain, even with the high powered pain medicine. It seems his body runs through the pain medicine in about 3 hours, but he can only take it every 4. Please pray that gets better, and he is able to handle the pain, and we will be able to decrease the meds he is taking, replacing them with over the counter. Please continue to pray for the pathology to come back clear and for neither the cyst or mass to return.

Yes, it’s been a long week, but God has been so good. He’s blessed us with wonderful people at both locations and has us covered in prayers by our amazing prayer warriors.

Psalm 91:1-4
91 Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. 2 This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him. 3 For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease. 4 He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.

Until tomorrow,

In the waiting room with dad

He he loves driving himself to the OR💜

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