July 4, 2017 – Happy 4th!

Memories can be such a bittersweet thing. I am so thankful for the precious reminders, but they twist my heart a little at the same time. Of course, how could they not? As we celebrate the 4th, I remember so many fun holidays. We always shoot big fireworks and enjoy ice cream, and today was no different on that front – but we were missing our spunky little girl.

The most beautiful gift the Lord gives us each day, is that the sweet continues to outweigh the bitter. Whenever I feel myself teetering on the edge of despair, I am reminded of our perfect 7.5 year with Kayleigh, of the amazing children I still have the joy to parent, of our close knit family, and friends that – well my friend Taylor said it best, we’re “fram-ily.”

Yes, my heart twinges tonight as I remember what is no longer with me, but our separation is but a blink in the eye of eternity. So tonight as you tuck your babies in, give them one more kiss, one more hug, one more minute before bed, and eat the ice cream first. Take lots of pictures and treasure every moment.

Psalm 90:12 – NIV
Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

Until later,


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