Greetings from the frenzied Disney Packing house! Our trip is quickly approaching and I am working hard to get this family of 5 ready for rest and relaxation! My to do list is still quite long but things are beginning to come together. We have been so blessed by wonderful friends that have loaned us suit cases, costumes, and clothes.
I have nearly all of our documentation together but still have many forms to complete. I would appreciate prayers that I can finish everything by tomorrow evening. I am hoping to have an non-stressful Friday!
Today we managed to lower Kayleigh’s steroids to .5 mg for the whole day. She did have a small headache pop up but Tylenol was able to take care of it – thank you Lord! We visit with the St. Jude affiliate in Huntsville tomorrow to make sure she is doing well. That will certainly make me feel better about leaving! Please pray that we will be able to come up with a plan to get Kayleigh all the way off the steroids without the head aches.
Kayleigh’s big birthday request this year was for pierced ears. However, radiation would have required her to remove the earrings every day so we told her no. So, tonight we had a post radiation celebration and she had her ears pierced. She is so excited!
Our Hartselle Black team is kicking booty on the softball field. They won both of their games today. We are all so proud of you girls!
Until Tomorrow,
Brave before…
Brave during…
Happy after!!
She looks so cute