April 13, 2017

11 months ago today we received the diagnosis. It seems like we have been on this journey so much longer than that! Rather than dwelling on sad things tonight, let’s talk about something different. Let’s talk about the race.

The Prayers for Kayleigh 5k and Fun Run will be Saturday, May 13th… Kayleigh’s birthday, and only a month away! Race registration forms have begun to arrive, St. Jude has sent some awesome goodies for us to give out to runners, and PFK has some fun swag that should be arriving any day. It’s so exciting!

So while we are getting pumped up, I was thinking about having a competition between or local schools to see which school could bring in the most race registrations. Here’s the kid count we have so far…

HHS = 0
HJHS = 45
HIS = 1
FEB = 0
CES = 2
BBE = 6

I’ll post at least once a week how the schools are doing, so come on kids get busy!

One more fun fact about the race… do you see the grey sticker below? We are having a limited number of those stickers printed, and the only way you can get one is if to cross the finish line. Not even our family can get one if they don’t run!

We are so excited, things are coming together to make an amazing event!

1 Corinthians 9:
24 Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win!

Until tomorrow,


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