August 7, 2015

This is one of those dates a mother writes down in the front of her bible because the day is one to remember for ever.

We had the tremendous joy to witness all three of our children follow the ordinance of baptism together this morning. To make it even more special Tim’s dad, a retired minister, and our dear friend and student minister were the ones to do the baptizing. Family and friends drove from near and far to join us and more dear friends provided lunch for all 50 of us. Truly, it was a wonderful day!

After lunch Cole and Kayleigh both had open house to meet their teachers and drop off school supplies. We are thankful to have been blessed with wonderful teachers to surround our kids at school. Classes start this Wednesday! Cole is ready to go, he loves school and is looking forward to being with friends again. Kayleigh is excited but nervous.

As I think about how life has changed so quickly I can understand Kayleigh’s nervousness. Before brain cancer she was just an ordinary little girl with ordinary little girl problems. She struggled with fitting in and felt like she had few true friends. On multiple occasions last year she came home from school sad because she felt left out by the other girls or she had been made fun of for various reasons. She’s always been very concerned about what people think or say about her. And now things are so very different. People are glad to see her, people we don’t know will stop us and tell her that they love her and they are praying for her. And sometimes people want their picture with her. She looked at me one day completely bewildered and said “mom, it’s kinda like I’m famous”.

And she’s right. She kinda is. Because I share so much about her everyone feels like they know her. As a parent it is awesome to see so many people rallying behind her. For Kayleigh it is cool most of the time and a little scary the other but over all she handles it well. Yet as school approaches she still remembers last year and not feeling accepted. Her biggest fear is that she will be laughed at and I can’t promise she won’t be but I pray she won’t be. I truly think that she will be well received and do great, but until that is proven out I think she will have butterflies.

So as you continue to pray for healing this side of heaven please pray for Kayleigh’s nerves to calm and for her to enjoy school and being with friends. You can also pray that we are able to get passports for Tim, Grace & Cole tomorrow. We drove to Atlanta tonight for an 8:00 am appointment to get expedited passports. We are expecting to hear back from the different trial options this week and just want to be prepared to leave at a moments notice. I think we have all the documentation needed but if you would pray for us to find favor with the people we come in contact with and for things to go quickly and easily that would be awesome.

Acts 2:38-39
38 Peter replied, “Each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 This promise is to you, to your children, and to those far away—all who have been called by the Lord our God.”

Until tomorrow,






Comment (1)

  1. halle eddy age 10

    my family is praying for Kayleigh and we want her to know that she is loved by everyone from Hartselle Alabama including my family and I. I just wanted you to know that she is one of my row model because she is strong and brave when she is going through all of this. All is good because she knows that she has God by her side and that he is with her no matter what. I pray every day and night that she gets better. When I go to bed I have this instinct that when she goes into brain surgery and when she gets out she feels a little bit better one step at a time. Today I was with my sister picking up food and I saw her card and it said to go to this website, so I did and now I am here pouring my heart out to Kayleigh and thinking inside my head that she gets better with God by her side<3 #prayer warrior #pray for Kayleigh


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