Author Archive: 'Carrow McClendon

About 'Carrow McClendon

Kayleigh is a bright, fun, beautiful, 7 year old, little girl that was diagnosed with DIPG on May 11, 2016. This site is to share her journey and prayer requests.

May 8, 2017

You know, I said last night that I was going to watch for the amazing things God was going to do each day this week as we lead up to Kayleigh’s birthday. So why is it that His amazing things still take me by surprise?? We humans are such fickle creatures – but thankfully God knows that and still loves us!

Today was one of those insanely crazy, go nonstop, no time to eat, no time to think, try to fit 500 things into 2 slots, kind of days. Grace also had a double header and closing ceremonies for her softball season tonight as well. I got drug on to the field to help hand out trophies and medals tonight, about the time I thought we were done they made one last announcement. A very special family made the most awesome collage of Kayleigh’s last year’s All Star Season and presented it to me on the field tonight.

God’s timing is so amazingly perfect. A beautiful treasure, at just the right moment, designed to remind me how much our girl and our family is loved. Our community, and softball family have been etched into our hearts. We will never forget this love and support.

1 Thessalonians 3:9
9 How we thank God for you! Because of you we have great joy as we enter God’s presence.

Proverbs 17:17
17 A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need.

To our special friends, we love you dearly.

Until tomorrow,

May 7, 2017

May 7, 2017

I think this will be the week where I just watch for God to do something special each day. The flowers delivered Friday, the necklace with the children’s picture Saturday, and today – there is a beautiful article on the front page of the Decatur Daily Newspaper. Oh how that makes me smile – Kayleigh would have LOVED that.

As she became more well known, and people would stop us in public, I can remember her saying, “Mom, it’s almost like I’m famous!” She didn’t really understand why people were so drawn to her. She would say to me, “Why do they want to know me? I’m not special.” But oh how wrong she was. She was, and still is special, beautiful, inspiring. One of the last interviews she did, I can remember her telling Grace and Cole, “you might get to be on TV, and you might get a little famous, but you’ll never be as famous as me!” Yes indeed, a front page article about her would have made her smile.

How thankful I am that on this hard week, God is blessing us with precious reminders. What an amazing father God is to his children – I am so thankful to be counted as one.

Ephesians 1:4-5
4 Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes. 5 God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure.

I am also so thankful that Kayleigh saw her need for Jesus, and chose to accept Him before she died. There is no greater joy for a parent. Knowing that eternity is on the horizon gives me hope. It also spurs me on to share Jesus with others – because time is so incredibly short.

Until tomorrow,

D170507 Kayleigh


May 6, 2017

May 6, 2017

As I said last night, each day approaching Kayleigh’s birthday is a little more difficult. The beautiful thing about difficult days is that it makes God so much easier to see. For starters, hard days make me appreciate the good days more. Also, when good things happen in hard days, I find myself stopping to thank the Lord for His beautiful blessings.

We took the children to a movie last night. It was one I know Kayleigh would have loved. As we rode home, listening to Grace and Cole repeat every funny part, I could hear Kayleigh’s voice. I knew she would have been laughing along with them – quoting lines, dancing, being loud. I found myself so incredibly thankful for my children. Thankful for the two I can still hold and touch, and thankful for the one that changed me. God used my Baby Duck to break me, so He could reshape me as He intended me to be, and so He could receive the glory.

Today God blessed us with small things through the day. Reminders that He is here, that He loves us. A precious woman stopped us in a store to let us know Kayleigh’s story has encouraged her to read her bible more. Another precious friend answered a need for race day. And I came home this afternoon to the most beautiful keepsake. One I can keep close to my heart.

Yes, the days are getting harder, but my God is bigger than hardship. He is good, kind, and full of grace and mercy. How thankful I am to be His child.

Zephaniah 3:17
17 For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”

Until tomorrow,

What a treasure this was to come home to.



May 5, 2017

May 5, 2017

People are amazing. So many of you prayer warriors we have never met, yet you continue to stand with us each day. Praying for strength and healing, standing in the gap, interceding at the throne of God the father on our behalf… you cannot know how much your prayers mean to us. And then from time to time God uses you to bless us above and beyond. Today was one of those days.

It has been a long week and my energy tank is running on fumes. I can tell my spiritual cup is in need of some quality time with Jesus to be refilled, and my body and mind are in need of rest. If you’re anything like me, that combination turns you into an emotional time bomb.

I had been home from work for about 15 minutes this evening when there was a knock at our front door. Imagine my surprise when our friend and incredibly talented florist is standing there with the most beautiful arrangement. Evidently, a sweet soul from Panama City called every florist in Hartselle until they found one that knew us. They sent this blessing with no name, no way for me to say thank you, just because they wanted to encourage us. Well, they succeeded.

Each day that we draw closer to Kayleigh’s Birthday gets harder, but thanks to this precious person tonight was not so hard. I’m sure the sender did not realize just what a blessing their gift would be. That these flowers would lift my spirits and give me words to share tonight. It is truly amazing how a genuine gesture of kindness can change the trajectory of your day. I would challenge you to be a little more aware of you surroundings, take the opportunities when they arise to bless others. Be the hands and feet of Jesus, you may be exactly what someone needs.

Philippians 4:19
19 And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.

Until tomorrow,
‘Carrow​ 💜

Image may contain: flower, plant and indoor


May 4, 2017

May 4, 2017

Goodness gracious this week has flown by at warp speed! I am absolutely exhausted, but so thankful for all the amazing things God continues to do in our lives. Looking at the date, this time last year I had no idea what was coming our way. We were busy with life, not worried about the future.

So much has changed in the past 12 months. But you know what? I served a loving, kind, compassionate God a year ago, and today – I serve the very same God. Even though I do not always understand His ways I have no doubt that his plan is good.

Psalm 18:30
30 God’s way is perfect. All the Lord’s promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to him for protection.

How thankful I am for my relationship with this mighty God!

Until tomorrow,