Author Archive: 'Carrow McClendon

About 'Carrow McClendon

Kayleigh is a bright, fun, beautiful, 7 year old, little girl that was diagnosed with DIPG on May 11, 2016. This site is to share her journey and prayer requests.

April 28, 2017

Mercy what a day! I made it safely to the Women of Joy conference with my friends. What a joy it is to have special, Christian women that love and encourage one another. I know I needed time to step away from my insane schedule and just sit at the feet of Jesus.

I was prepared for renewal, I was not quite as prepared for being broken first. But I guess when you plant seeds you have to till the soil first, right? Tonight’s speaker did just that for me. As she shared her testimony and pain from losing a child, a daughter, my heart clenched. And when she asked that room of nearly 10,000 women to stand if they had lost a child… I stood. I stood with tears running down my face – filled with both joy and sorrow, grief and hope, pain and faith. I stood holding hands with my friend, bonded by the sorrow of loss.

Yes, the Lord squished up my heart tonight – and the squishing made it soft. I have no doubt He has more to say to me this weekend and I pray that I will be receptive to those words.

One thing the speaker said was if she could go back and change it, she would. As I sat and thought about that I think I fall on the other side of things, I wouldn’t. Would it be wonderful to trade this hurt in, and have my baby back? Yes, that would be wonderful. I miss her so much. But I know where she is, and even though my heart hurts I would never ask her to give up paradise in heaven to come back here. I know I’ll be joining her in heaven soon enough, but until that time comes my job is to keep sharing God’s amazing goodness.

Until tomorrow,

It’s been a great day – but I’m still about this tired!


April 27, 2017 – tired

I am tired. It probably has something to do with the fact that, like tonight, I usually stay up too late. There are just so many things that need my attention – it takes every minute I can get to keep up! Thankfully, I am running away this weekend with some girl friends to the Women of Joy conference. I am so looking forward to being renewed!

Jeremiah 31:25 “I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.”

I wonder if any of you are feeling the same? Tired, burned out, exhausted, weary… how beautiful is it that the Lord tells us He will refresh is? You don’t have to leave town for refreshment. God will meet you anywhere at any time – He loves you so!

Until tomorrow,

This kind of tired!

April 26, 2017 – Lindsey Strong

Psalm 120:1
120 I took my troubles to the Lord; I cried out to him, and he answered my prayer.

Psalm 34:4
4 I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears.

Yes indeed, we take our troubles and fears to the Lord and He answers our prayers and frees us from fear. Thank you all for praying for Lindsey. God is good and He has answered our immediate prayer. I received this beautiful message from her this afternoon…

Our prayers have been answered❤️ Everything is stable, no new growth and no fluid ☺️

Her mom’s update tonight says that her symptoms have decreased over the last 3 days for no apparent reason. It can only be attributed to God! I know so many of you stood with us through Kayleigh’s journey, would you please continue to remember Lindsey? Pray for healing this side of heaven – a miracle only God can preform. We know our God is big enough!

This morning I sent Lind’s a verse
1 Timothy 1:7
7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.

And then I opened Facebook to find her dad had posted the exact verse. It gave me chills. I have no doubt that God has beautiful plans for Lindsey and her family.

Until tomorrow,


April 25, 2017

What an awesome day it has been! Tim and I had a wonderful time doing the Cooper and Company morning show. Those guys were a fantastic way to start the morning. But man – my hat is off to them for being TV ready before 6:00 in the morning. That was tough for this night owl! After we did the morning show, we stopped in next door at the WZYP radio station. The morning host, Mojo, was so gracious to let us crash their show as well. There is just something about getting to share Kayleigh’s story that make my heart smile. She’s touching hearts from heaven and it is a beautiful thing!

Of course ending yesterday at 12:00 am and starting today at 4:30 am has made for a tired mama. But it is a good tired.

I do have a special prayer request tonight. I have a very special friend -her name is Lindsey. I met this beautiful young lady at St. Jude – not the place you want to meet people. This sweet girl has the most beautiful of faiths. She is young, yet steadfast in her faith, and filled with spunk and strength. And she is going to need it. Her foe is DIPG.

Would you please pray for my precious friend? She has been experiencing additional symptoms recently. Please pray for peace. Pray a hedge of protection around her heart and mind and family. Pray for miraculous healing. Our God is big enough!

Proverbs 31:25
25 She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.

Continue to stand fast beautiful girl, we will stand with you

Until tomorrow,

April 24, 2017 – Faith

It’s been a long day, but as always – God knows what I need to hear. In my devotion tonight, the passage talked about faith. The verse is one I love…

Hebrews 11:1
11 Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.

I am so thankful that my faith rests with the one who holds everything in his hands. He has all the answers, and since I a with Him, I don’t need all the answers. I can just follow Him and He will get me where I need to be. That may sound like a simple ou too on life, and in a way it is. But simple does not mean easy. Too often our brains get us in trouble – thinking of every possible outcome until our joy is replaced with worry.

It is a challenge to walk by faith. But I have learned that it is a challenge worth taking. God never lets me down. He often answers my prayers in ways I do not expect, but He never leaves me.

Psalm 37:5
5 Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you.

His word is full of promises!

Until tomorrow,