December 9, 2016

Have you ever stopped to think just how small you are in the grand scheme of life? Yes, in our personal worlds we are important. Important to our families, friends, co-workers. But when you think about the entire world we are just one of billions. Billions. That’s not a little number.

And yet, God gave those of us that believe in Him and His son Jesus the job of telling others about Him. Actually, He gave that job to eleven ordinary men. Eleven guys that messed up numerous times, came from sketchy backgrounds, and more than once let Him down. Even after His crucifixion, after they all turned away from Him in their fear, God still had big plans for them. Plans for them to change the world.

Matthew 28:18-20 is the Great Commission. This is where Christ reminds the disciples of who He is, God incarnate with all authority in heaven and earth. And gives them their job – to tell ALL nations about the Messiah. Can you even begin to imagine how daunting that task would be? Even with all our our resources today that is an impossible sounding task. Yet, here we sit, 2000 years later, thousands of miles away, on the other side of the world, and we know the story of Jesus. All because eleven ordinary guys were obedient to the task God set before them.

Today, I sat in meetings about leadership, talking about how everyone has the ability to be a leader no matter their position or title. And then I look at there eleven guys, and what they accomplished. They didn’t start out as big, important authority figures. They started out as nothing special. The difference is they were willing. Willing to leave their comfort zones to become uncomfortable for the cause of Christ.

Often times change requires us to be uncomfortable. The good news is that God blesses our obedience. I am discovering that obedience doesn’t necessarily make the path any easier or more comfortable, but it does make the discomfort worth the reward. I am also learning that God’s rewards always exceed our wildest expectations.

Losing Kayleigh will never be comfortable. Missing Kayleigh will never be comfortable. Yet, by being obedient, and walking the path God has set before us, God is blessing us in ways I could never imagine. Honestly, ways I didn’t want to imagine. I only wanted to imagine what it would be like for Him to answer our prayers for a miracle. But here we are, in a world without our girl, and nearly every day we receive stories about how Kayleigh has changed someone’s life. How she is still making a difference. We are literally watching Kayleigh’s legacy be made. And that is a blessing beyond compare. How thankful I am to to be her mother. Looking back, I would not change a single thing – because I know every step has been a part of God’s plan, and He doesn’t make mistakes.

Matthew 28:18-20
18 Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. 19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Until tomorrow,

God’s beautiful handiwork

Enjoying God’s magnificent ocean

Things that make you feel small…

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