February 3, 2017

Titus 3:4-5
4 But— When God our Savior revealed his kindness and love, 5 he saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He washed away our sins, giving us a new birth and new life through the Holy Spirit.

A sweet friend sent me a devotion with this verse this morning. What a beautiful verse and beautiful reminder of God’s unending mercy. We have so much going on trying to set up Kayleigh’s foundation. Wonderful people are working on different aspects but it’s still a massive undertaking. This morning it hit me that I needed to be praying over every little part. Not just waiting – so I did. I started praying for the Lord to work out he details and guide us in the right direction.

And guess what? He answered in a most impressive way. He sent me exactly the people I needed to help set our next steps and give us a plan of action. Just like that… about 1 hour between when I prayed and when He answered. I don’t know why those answered prayers continue to surprise me, they shouldn’t. It just blows me away, how He listened to my every request, and answers.

How thankful I am to be loved, sheltered, protected, and tended by God Almighty. It’s also amazing to see just how quickly my worry dissipates when I set my eyes on Him and trust that he will take care of the details. I hope if you find yourself in a situation that has you fretting, that you will take some time to just be with the Lord. Tell Him exactly where you are – He already knows. It doesn’t have to be pretty, you just have to be willing to open your heart.

Until tomorrow,

Thank you to another sweet friend that sent me this picture.

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