January 10, 2017

God’s timing is always perfect, in every detail. I love writing every night. It helps me process the day and everything that is going on inside me. I often times have people tell me “it’s ok if you don’t want to write every day.” And yes, there are some days it’s hard to figure out where to start. But, I have discovered that it is often those nights that I don’t feel like making a post that I need it most. The Lord always meets me when I write. Sometimes writing is what reveals to me what God has been doing. Not to mention, in the beginning God made it clear to me that we were on this journey to help other people, and I promised that as long as He would give me words I would write.

So, all of that being said, I am going to share the blog with another writer tonight, my mom. I’m tired and the Lord knew I would need a little break. Not to mention I’ve spent most of my night reading all of the wonderful posts and comments from last night. Thank you all for your kind words.

Thoughts from my mom – Beth Rabb

It’s hard to believe it has only been two months since Kayleigh died. Oh, how we miss her! I find myself counting grandchildren and realizing one is missing. I find a random Kayleigh sock or see a purple sky. I have an empty seat in the “Bess Bus” and there is no Kayleigh to separate the boys. She was Will and Miller’s best buddy, advocate, protector and mediator.

In the midst of our great loss, not only has God been sufficient, He has been gracious. We have seen the body of Christ on their knees, the town of Hartselle and surrounding communities rally around us, strangers come to know Jesus, while Muslims and Buddhists heard the gospel. We have experience Philippians 4:7, the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding… and been given the hope that we will be reunited with Kayleigh in heaven.

‘Carrow’s faith and determination keeps me on track and holds me accountable in my daily walk. I want to be so tuned in with Christ that I take every thought captive to obey Christ, 2 Corinthians 10:5b. As I child my mom tucked me in at night and we said prayers — the perfect ending to the day. As I grew in my faith, I realized that waiting until bedtime to confess my sins and make request was not very effective. Why not confess the sin once it is recognized and keep walking?

When our children were small and needed disciplining — maybe timeout or a spanking — afterwards, they would have to apologize and then pray and ask for forgiveness. The idea was to teach them how to breath spiritually by exhaling and confessing the sin and inhaling God’s love and forgiveness. It was not only a good lesson for them, but for me as well. Prayer is my direct line to the Father and I am so thankful he is always available and hears my cry. When the righteous cry for help, the LORD hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. Ps 34:17

My real purpose in writing this post is to ask you to pray specifically for a hedge of protection around Tim and ‘Carrow. We know Satan doesn’t care about us if we are just letting life happen. It’s when we are out front, making a difference, that’s when he aims his fiery darts at us. It would be easy for Tim and ‘Carrow to be his target. They have a lot of decisions to make, there are some health issues in the family, plans for a big fundraiser for St. Jude’s DIPG research and the everyday stresses of life. Please pray they stay focused on Christ and finish the race strong.

I am grateful for the thousands of people praying for us. The old saying, walking on the prayers of saints, is very appropriate. Thank you for continuing to pray. Your prayers are powerful; we feel and see the results everyday!


My mom is pretty fantastic. She even sent me pictures to post as well.

Until tomorrow,

First day of school August 2015

Everyone loaded up in the Bess Bus!

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