July 4, 2016

Happy Independence Day!

I am so thankful to live in a country where I am free to express myself and my thoughts openly on a forum like this. Where I am free to worship. For all the shortcomings we have as a nation, I am still thankful for the Red, White, and Blue!

Today Kayleigh and I had a wonderful girls date. We slept late, had lunch at Mellow Mushroom and went shopping for the cruise. Most people spend months and months planning and preparing for a trip like this. We’re putting the whole thing together in just a few weeks. I’m generally a pretty spontaneous person but this is pushing it even for me!

We would very much appreciate you prayers on Tuesday. Kayleigh and I are going to drive to Atlanta to the nearest passport agency. Because of Kayleigh’s medical condition we need to get a passport for her so we will have the ability to fly out of a port if necessary. We are not anticipating needing to fly but we do want to have all of our bases covered. Would you please pray with us that we are able to get the passports pushed through and have them in our hands the same day?

On the health front, today is the first day Kayleigh has not had a headache since Friday. All of them have been mild but it is still a little worrisome. Since she did not have a headache tonight we cut tonight’s regular dose in half. If she is still feeling well in the morning I plan to cut that dose in had as well. The doctor told us the longer she is on the steroids the more side effects we could see. Joint pain was one that he mentioned and that is beginning to be a persistent problem. Her feet and ankles are hurting her quite often. Please pray that we are able to lower the dose and that she still feels good. Our prayer is to get off the steroids as quickly as possible!

Thank you all for your wonderful support and prayers. We love you very much!

John 16:33
I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

Thank you Jesus that my hope is in you!

Until tomorrow,
‘Carrow 💜

Thankful for the Caroline Cart at Target. Kayleigh’s feet and ankles were hurting but she wanted to keep shopping. This made that work!image

Getting ready for fireworks image

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