March 13, 2017 – Kayleigh’s Birthday Bash Details Are Coming!

It’s not my birthday, thank you Jesus!! Today was an all around better day. I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy to see a Monday roll around. Cole was still feeling puny, work was hectic, and I had back to back to back meetings until 9:00 tonight but it was still a fantastic day. How thankful I am that God carried me through and blessed us all with a beautiful, new day.

One of the most exciting things is that the Kayleigh Birthday Bash details are all coming together. The 5k race is active and ready for you to sign up, and the concert tickets are being released Friday! Eek!!! No, I’m not spilling the line-up beans yet. Partly because we are still nailing down details. But so far we have 13 bands confirmed. Thirteen!!! And still more in the works. We’ve moved from a benefit concert on to a full blown music festival. It is truly amazing to watch God move all the pieces into place.

Having a God that loves, protects, and tends my broken heart is a blessing. Knowing that same God cares about every detail of my life, including Kayleigh’s birthday bash – well, that’s humbling. Who am I, that I would deserve even a moment of time from the Creator of the Universe? Yet, He gives me more than a moment. He gives me every moment of every day. He never leaves, he never gets tired, He never changes His mind – to Him, I am always loved, always cherished, always worth the time. What an amazing gift.

Matthew 10:29-32
29 What is the price of two sparrows—one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. 30 And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. 31 So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.

It’s not just me, God loves you that much too. And that is a gift worth treasuring!

Keep your eyes peeled for more updates. I’ll slip in little hints as we go along this week. It’s going to be SO much fun! If you’re ready to sign up for the race go to our site and click on the “race registration” button. You will be able to buy concert tickets through that page as well on Friday!

Until tomorrow,

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