November 5, 2016

Hello Friends,

Its been a good, quiet day at our house. Kayleigh started battling the sniffles last night so we gave her some medicine to help dry up the mess. Thankfully, it worked well and she was able to sleep peacefully. It knocked her for a pretty big loop though. She didnt wake until 11:00 this morning and then dozed most of the day. When she was awake she was still her cute self, even if she is slow to speak and hard to understand. Every time she manages to razz one of us I can’t help but smile. We also enjoyed having family visit today and time just to be together.

I don’t think I can begin to tell you all just how much I treasure each moment I have with Kayleigh. God is so incredibly good. He continues to fill my heart each day with hugs, snuggles, and kisses. I get to hold her and breathe in the sweet scent of her hair, just as I have since the day she was born. She never wants me to leave her side and honestly, her side is where I want to be. Yet even with my heart full of gratitude I still can get weary. Sometimes being the only person Kayleigh wants in the entire world can be hard. Yesterday was one of those days for me. I still loved and treasured being with her but my emotional tank was on fumes. I’ve been pouring out of myself into her for weeks without time to refill my own stores.

When the news crew showed up at our house yesterday afternoon unexpectedly it was more than I could handle. I’d had no shower, Kayleigh was tired, the big kids were running a muck… ahhhhh!!! Thankfully, after almost 20 years together Tim can see my train wreck coming. He jumped in and took care of everything. He did a fantastic job talking with the news guys, telling them about our purple lights and our awesome neighbors with their purple lights. He got the big kids under control and in the bed and even made last nights post. Then this morning he stayed with Kayleigh so I could have breakfast with my dad while Kayleigh was still asleep. It was wonderful. There is just something about waking up, getting dressed, fixing my hair and putting on make up that makes me feel like a human!

Not only did I get breakfast, but because Kayleigh was sleeping so well I even got to stop by the fundraiser our friends had for Kayleigh! Talk about humbling. See all those people gathered for our sweet girl – it was overwhelming. People were both running miles and biking miles, and not just a few miles – these guys did 400 miles for Kayleigh today. 400!!! I know there legs are going to feel like melted rubber bands tomorrow but those Olive boys are something else. Thank you Andy & Adam for the way you love our girl. And to all of the amazing volunteers that made it such an amazing event – thank you! Tim and I never cease to be blown away by the love and support of our community. I just wish Kayleigh could have seen it 💜

Tonight I am thankful for another day with my girl, my husband whom I love, and amazing friends and family.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
9 Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. 10 If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. 11 Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? 12 A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.

Until Tomorrow,

The Olive brothersimage

Adam ran over 40 miles todayimage

Andy biked 140 miles and had some great friendsimage

Prayers for Kayleighimage

Sweet girls at the bake saleimage





Kayleigh’s life long babysitter Natalie and sister Samimage

Tim & his sister Tammyimage

Wonderful cousins. Aren’t they a good looking group?image


Comments (3)

  1. Teresa

    Thank you for sharing your story! You are a beautiful example of Gods love and compassion. Your family and friends are simply amazing! May God continue to bless you with the strength you need and may your hearts be filled with joy during this journey. No matter the outcome, you already know that Gods plan is perfect and all will be amazing. Know that I will pray every day for you while burning a purple candle! XO Teresa

  2. Theresa

    My prayers r with u all. U r an amazing mother God is good I pray for u all.

  3. Theresa

    U r AMAZING. u all r in my prayers


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