October 23, 2016

Thank you Lord for a day of rest. I had hoped we might be able to go to church but Kayleigh just wasn’t up for it. She rested well last night but woke up tired and groggy this morning. As the day progressed she woke up a bit more and was in a pretty good mood.

Unfortunately, her hearing was significantly worse today. As the tumor grows or swells or more pressure is created inside her brain we are told that this isn’t uncommon. Because all functions run through your brain stem many things can be effected. It just depends on where it is pressing. Kayleigh has some double/blurry vision as well. I also noticed a little more sputtering when she drank today. And she’s been a little sleepier. All things that continue to point to this blasted tumor.

We continue to ask for a miracle for our girl. Praying, believing that God is able. Asking that He will see fit to heal Kayleigh completely, this side of heaven. Each day we see her decline it would be so easy to lose hope. Yet, God is good and continues to grant us peace each day. Peace that He is in control, that his plan is perfect, and that we can trust Him for each step.

I must say, as a mother, it doesn’t remove my fear, the fear that He will say no to my prayers. But it allows me to face each day with hope, trust and faith. Depending on the Holy Spirit to guide me and intercede on my behalf when I just don’t have the words to pray.

Please pray with us for a remarkable miracle. For complete healing this side of heaven. For her hearing to return and vision to be clearer. For the tumor to get smaller.

Even though this road is tough, we choose joy. Thank you for standing with us.

James 1:2-4
2 Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. 3 For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. 4 So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.

Until tomorrow,

Halloween about 4 years ago


Comment (1)

  1. LaNaye Burnette

    Praying for your sweet girl and believing God to heal her!


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