February 25, 2017

I am so thankful for a Godly mother. Tim and I enjoyed a wonderful evening at the Smile-a-mile “Red Nose Ball.” What an amazing group that does such wonderful things for kids with cancer and families that are dealing with it, fighting it. While we were out my mom so kindly sent me a post for tonight. I am blessed.

Wise words from Bess…

Three and a half months with no Kayleigh. I miss her laugh and her sassy little opinionated self. I miss her ponytail swinging side to side. I miss her good hugs and hearing her say, “Truly,” as she walked out the door. I can hear her calling me “Bessy Duck” and I would say, “Don’t call me Bessy Duck!” Who wants to be called Bessy??

Well, how I would love to hear that sweet little voice say “Bessy Duck!” She loved my baked beans. I made them last week and they just did not taste right. Before I fall in the pit of depression, the Holy Spirit nudges me and reminds me of His endless blessings in my life. The problem is how often do I yield to His nudge? What blessings do I miss when I plow forward in life? It just occurred to me that my wild week is a result of plowing forward on my own power. I finally had a quiet minute to regroup, to exhale the sin – the sin of independence and the attitude of I can do it myself, AND inhale His love and forgiveness. You’d think after the last nine months, I would know better. My all-time favorite verse is…

Proverbs 3:5-6.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
And do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your paths straight.

So when depression hits and my path gets crooked, I want to acknowledge Him and slow down to feel His nudge, He is always there, waiting and I think He is probably thinking what took you so long? Thank you, Jesus, for not giving up on me!

How thankful I am for a mom that loves Jesus.

Until tomorrow,

Yoube got to love the red noses

We had a wonderful time!

These precious butterflies were on our table

Snuggles with Bessy Duck

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