May 13, 2016

It been one of those doozies of a day!

We met with Kayleigh’s neuro oncologist around lunch time today. The scans showed that the Lord chose not to grant our request for immediate healing. It showed the same mass in the same location. We now have a name for it – it’s a high grade Diffused Intrinsic Potine Glioma (DIPG). As the name suggests the tumor is diffused through the brain stem and intrinsically woven through the nerves. It is fast growing and inoperable. There is no cure for it at this time. It is terminal.

Enough bad news! The good news is that these DIPG’s do usually respond well to radiation. So we will be consulting with radiology next week to get treatment started asap! The radiation should start to relieve symptoms and shrink the tumor. Radiation will also have less side effects so quality of life will be good! We are praising the Lord for our wonderful Dr. Parmer. He saw this and acted quickly, thanks to that Kayleigh’s doctors feel like we’ve caught it early. We are also praising Jesus for every minute of every day. We are going to live every day to the fullest and tuck every memory away in our hearts. We are going to love on all of our babies and we are going to share the love of Jesus with all we come in contact with. We are also going to be praying for the doctors to choose the right Medicine’s to treat her. For promising research to come in. But mostly we are going to keep praying to our great, big God. Asking for healing and guidance through the whole process.

Thank you to all of you for standing with us. Your calls, text & messages make us cry and fill us with joy at the same time. We know your prayers are what is holding us up. We have seen it in action and it is amazing. Please keep praying.

Love to you all,

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